Mikel Arteta isolating after contracting coronavirus for a second time; Arsenal boss also fell ill at the beginning of the pandemic; he will isolate for at least one week in line with public health protocols

The Spaniard, who also contracted the virus in March 2020 prompting the shutdown of football at the start of the pandemic, is now isolating.

A statement from the club read: “Mikel Arteta will miss our match against Manchester City on New Year’s Day after testing positive for Covid-19.

“Mikel is isolating in line with Government guidelines and we wish him well.”

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Arteta will face an isolation period of one week. At present, people who receive negative lateral flow results on day six and day seven of their self-isolation period – with tests taken 24 hours apart – no longer have to stay indoors for a full 10 days.

The 39-year-old is the third Premier League boss to have contracted the virus over the festive period with Crystal Palace head coach Patrick Vieira and Aston Villa manager Steven Gerrard also in quarantine following their positive tests.

The Gunners’ match against Wolves on December 28 was postponed following a request from the away side to have the game called off because of coronavirus cases within Bruno Lage’s team.

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